Saturday, December 16, 2006

Weather Adventures in the Big Smoke!!

Holy shit, did you see the fireworks on Thursday night!!!!

I decided to go to bed after watching the Colbert Report (well, first the Simpson, South Park, King of the Hill, John Stewart and then the Colbert Report). It was about 2am when it was over and when I turned off the TV I noticed the whistling noise that the wind was making as it blew through the slight crack in the slightly open patio door. So of course I closed that up and went to go to bed, not really thinking anything of it. When I sat on the edge of my bed, I thought that I might be getting an inner ear infection because it felt like the whole building was swaying back and forth. Then I realized!!!! The whole FREAKING building was swaying back and forth!!!! So I'm trying to get comfy in bed with the windows rattling and whistling, the building swaying gently back and forth and the occasional racket from outside as something metal runs into something else metal (garbage can into pole type thing). When at about 2:30 there is this brilliant yellow flash that lights up the entire apartment and then the power goes out. I look outside an everything between Pacific and Davie is out from my apartment to what looks like Burrard. Then the power comes back on... for a second... that's when I decide anything that will cost more than a paycheck to replace that is plugged in will be unplugged. For the next 30-45 minutes, I am now glued to the window watching the clouds race overhead occasionally being illuminated from below, by green, blue and sometimes purple flashes, as the power lines in various parts of Vancouver are shorted either by flying debris, which is floating around at the height of my apartment at times (21st floor by the by), or by tree limbs, or entire trees as the case may be. I'm pretty sure I saw the Wall Centre lose power several times that night. Since I had to work relatively early the next day, I decided that I should tear myself away from the destruction being played outside my window and try to go to sleep. About 10 minutes after I decided to try to go to sleep, I hear the sound of breaking glass and the little mail slot flap of an apartment across the hall start flapping madly in the wind. The next moring I found out that the apartment across the hall had one of its windows blown out and the apartment directly below mine had its patio door blown/smashed out. I think it was probably smashed by debris rather than blown out because the wind was pounding the opposite side of the building. It was quite the entertainment.

On another smashing note, my truck is all fixed, but it is still at the body shop. I was at work when it was ready for pick-up, so it will have to wait until Monday. Wa wa waaaaa.


Blogger Unknown said...

That sounds way cooler then here.

My stupid deck chairs were floating around on my deck all night, and one of my posters ripped off the wall when I opened my door.

Other than that it was pretty uneventful.

11:59 AM  

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