Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just for you shotyme

Well, I watched "Jesus Camp" and her are my two bits on religion and this scary movie.

Let's start with the Separation of Church and State. Apparently these Evangelical Christians believe that, that is where things started going wrong with God's Country (the U.S. of A. of course, and their words, not mine). Well, it's my understanding that the United States constitution prohibits the Church & State from coming together, I think it's part of the First Amendment (yeah the free speech one). So if the separation of Church & State was written into the constitution, that must mean the separation occured during the formation of "God's Country". That must mean that the United States started wrong... but... it's... "God's Country", how can it be wrong?

Next, creating an "Army of God," okay, I've flipped through the bible and I didn't find anything about an "Army of God" on earth, created by us. The only "Army" god has is his/her angels. Now creating this unnecessary army by brainwashing/indoctrinating children seems mighty wrong in my eyes. Then reasoning that since Muslims are doing the same thing, it's okay for the Evangelical church to do the same thing. Did you know that by the time a Muslim child is 5, they know to fast for the entire month of Ramadan, and that's just for starters, by the time they are 18, they are ready to blow themselves to bits for Islam. Great that's just what we need, a bunch of Southern & Mid-western, white Americans blowing themselves up for Allah... ooops, I meant God. If they are hoping that this army they are creating will fight against Islam, I think they will be sorely dissappointed. I see them blowing the shit out of other Americans, who don't quite share their fundamentalist views on Christ, be they Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or even Buddhist. Athiests and Agnostics are smart enough to stay away from places of worship, which is the most likely target for the suicide bombers. Of course Mall of America would also be a tempting target, but I'm sure that some of the 80 million or so Evangelicals frequent that unholy place. Okay, back to the actual indoctrination part. A lot of it seemed to smack of Pagan rituals, speaking in tongues, trances ( a few pictures of children seizing on the floor), etc. Of course I know that a lot of the Christian rituals are stolen right from the Pagans, even the holidays are glossed over Pagan Celebrations. Jesus wasn't born in December, he was a summer baby.

Satan, yep he's out to get you and your soul. Watch out, he's trying to subvert you right now!! I must be an agent of Satan since I don't share the same views as these Evangelicals. Of course I have a mind of my own and can think for myself so I must be touch by the devil. Now throughout the entire documentary, they speak of how Satan is out to get you and how you must fight temptation, blah blah blah. I found an interesting article in of all places the internet, which I think sheds some light on the subject of Satan and his place in the bible and "God's World". Check it out at: What the Devil? Prince of Darkness Is Misunderstood, Says UCLA Professor . Personally I think that Satan, the serpent, the devil, etc. is just a cop out. If we are to believe at least a portion of the bible, at least the part where God gives us free will, Satan sounds a hell of a lot like an invention of Man. It's not my fault that I broke a commandment, did something bad, etc., the devil made me do it. A good example of this comes ironically from both the documentary and CNN. About 2 months ago, Rev. Ted Haggard popped up on CNN and the various other reality filters (or news channels, whatever you want to call them) amid allegations that he was involved with a man who not only provided the Reverand with drugs, but also participated in gay sex with this man. He at first denied everything, but once he was fired, he relented and admitted to the whole shebang. If you watch the documentary, you'll see the less than honorable Rev. Ted Haggard condemning homosexuals (I almost fell off my couch laughing when I saw that part of the documentary). Gotta love it when karma comes around and smacks you around like Mike Tyson did with Robin Givens (too soon?).

These poor kids, are being home schooled, brainwashed and taught not to think for themselves but to act as sheep for their church. Belief in something greater than yourself is all fine and good, but to take it to this extreme is unhealthy for the mind. Believe in Creationism if you will, but if your child is going to be working in the real world, you might want to think about teaching them about evolution as well. They don't have to believe in it, but they should know about it. Hell I learned that people thought the world was flat, if evolution is wrong, well I guess we'll have egg on our face the same way people in the middle ages got it when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Balance, moderation, whenever things are taken to excess it causes problems. Remember New Years? If you don't, you probably remember the hang over the next day. Things taken to excess. Same applies to religion, politics, alcohol and donuts, moderation is the key.

One last poke at the Evangelicals... most of the 80 million of them live in a belt across the American Mid-west and into the Southern US. Now let's take a look and the number and frequency of natural disasters that occur in this "Bible Belt." Tornado's frequent the prairie states, in fact they even have an alley that runs through Kansas and Oklahoma. Hurricanes come up from the Gulf Coast and wreak havoc, not as regular as Tornados, but they do tend to cover a wider area and even spawn a few Tornados to boot too. That Mississippi river has been lassoed by the Army Corp of Engineers, but it still tries to burst it's banks at least once every few years, and when it does it tends to cause widespread damage. Amazing how this all seems to happen in the same area all of these Evangelical Christians call home. What's really funny is they don't believe in Global Warming, which causes more extreme weather. If we're lucky they'll be wiped out by more Tornados, Hurricanes and Floods. Also there is a fault that runs up the Mississippi Valley, not as active as the San Andreas, but they could still have a devastating earthquake at anytime. If there is a God, he seems to be the angry vengeful God of the Old Testament when it comes to the "Bible Belt."

Well that's enough for tonight, I think I will go and bake myself some delicious fucking cookies!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Evidence from New Years

Yep, Yoni had pictures, so here are some:

Me being a drunk, dirty old man, looking at the dirty pictures while waiting in line to get rid of some used & abused alcohol. Note the drink in hand, remember $69 all you can eat & drink.

Look at all the peoples!!! The place was packed, definitely going again for next New Years.

I think that's Matt in the front, then Yoni and another one of Yoni's friends in the back. Not sure where I am, probably getting more alcohol.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

All I can say is ow my head hurts. $69 and all you can eat sushi and all you can drink spells headache when you work at 10am the next day. Although I did get my money's worth and I figured what the hell, who buys books on New Years Day anyways. Good times, very good times, good start to the New Year. Bring it on '07, bring it on.....